Turn Your Hot Tub into a Winter Oasis

When is the best time to use your outdoor hot tub? When it’s cold outside of course!

Although homeowners commonly associate hot tubs with warmer months, the truth is that some of the best benefits of your hot tub come during the winter. Follow our simple tips to make things more enjoyable.


1. Make sure your hot tub is in ready to go
Cold frosty evenings, starry skies and the winter holidays, plenty of time to enjoy some relaxation in your hot tub. Forget winterising the tub, draining it down and putting it to bed for the winter. Be brave, be adventurous get out and get in the hot tub. Take a moment, have a think and prepare the things you need and list what you need to do to ensure things run smoothly. It’s time to give your tub a quick once-over and make sure it’s ready for use in this winter weather. Check your water levels, temperature settings and water chemistry. Make sure your new filters are in and your spares are dry and ready for use. If your hot tub is outside make sure the straps are secure and add extra straps if you see high winds are forecast. You can purchase these online from our hot tub spares website Spares 4 Spas.

Once your hot tub is full and up to temperature, water chemistry is correct you are ready for your relaxing evening in your luxurious warm hot tub. It may seem a little daunting venturing outside to get to and from the tub, but with a little preparation you can minimise any discomfort. The benefits of using the hot tub in the depth of winter far out way any of the negatives. Trust me, it’s fun.

2. Clear yourself a path
Yes, it is possible to use your hot tub even when there is snow on the ground, and there’s nothing more fun than sitting in a warm, comfortable hot tub while snowflakes are drifting down from the sky. Listening to your favourite CD whilst enjoying good company, or even a little “just me time” will add to the enjoyment.

However, if your path to the hot tub isn’t clear and dry, you’re not going to want to clear the way to the hot tub when it is already dark and cold. Begin your preparation by making sure you have a quick, easy path from your back door to your outdoor hot tub. Set down some form of stepping stones if they aren’t there already; make sure you have some suitable slippers or slip on shoes, wellies will do at a push. If you experience a winter snow or hail, clear your path right away so you don’t have to step through slush to get to your hot tub. Barefoot in winter will not be good, especially walking through wet grass on your way from the warmth of the hot tub to your backdoor. Bring a handy torch if you don’t have outside lighting. Remember failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

3. Make a space to hold belongings
What are you going to do with your flip flops before you get into the hot tub? Leave them on the wet ground to get cold and damp? What about the towelling robe you wear over your swimsuit? Having a space to put your belongings while you’re in the hot tub, especially one that keeps them safe and dry, is essential for winter hot tub use. Consider using a cool box to store your towel or clothes in while you enjoy your time in the tub. I put a hot water bottle in the bottom of my cooler box, my towel robe is lovely and warm when I need it to get back indoors. Cooler boxes are insulated so they can be used to keep your clothes warm and dry.

Or, if you prefer, leave your coat indoors and do the polar bear run from your back porch to your hot tub! Just make sure you’re not going to slip over on your dash to or from the hot tub. That would be a disaster.

Remember you don’t want to be standing around shivering and dripping in the winter cold. No matter how warm you are in the hot tub, your body temperature drops rapidly once you step out. Use your warm towel robe and slippers to stay comfortable as you walk back indoors.

4. Keep your head dry
Try and keep your hair dry and maybe even consider wearing a beanie or bobble hat. Remember the winner is the person having the most fun not those who are worried that someone might see them walking in the back garden, on a dark night, in a swimsuit and hat!! The fashion police are off duty in the privacy of your back garden, gazebo or hot tub house.

Staying out in cold weather with wet hair is not a good idea so keep you head above water. Keep your head warm by keeping your hair and face dry. While you’re at it, fill a flask with a warm drink, it’s great to sit in the hot tub and sip a hot chocolate or maybe an Irish coffee during a light snowfall, or on a cold clear starry night. Hot Tubbing is less fun during nights with a high wind chill or driving rain hail or snow. Be flexible and be prepared and ready to take full advantage of those still nights. Try it, I know the idea sounds a little crazy but there is something magical about sitting outside all warm and relaxed counting the shooting stars or watching the clouds pass the full moon. You probably don’t need us to tell you this, but if you wouldn’t want to go out for a walk because the weather is really bad– then it is not a good night to use the hot tub.

With these tips, and a little preparation to make allowances for winter, you can turn your hot tub into a warm winter oasis. The next time the skies are clear and the wind is light or the snow starts to fall, don’t stay in front of the TV, grab a swimsuit, your favourite CD, your towelling robe and go watch the stars or the  snow drifting down from the comfort of the warm swirling waters of your hot tub.

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