Improve Your Basic Swimming Technique

Swimming Front Crawl in an Endless Pool

Swimming is one of the most popular ways to exercise and yet most of us aren’t reaching our potential. Unlike most other sports swimming performance does not improve by practice alone in fact it is mostly down to technique.

Whether you swim in your local pool or in your own Endless Pool or Swim Spa it is worth taking a few minutes to remind yourself of the basics. By improving your technique you will not only reap greater fitness benefits you will also make your swim a lot more enjoyable.

Front Crawl

Here are some basic points to remember whilst honing your front crawl technique.

Body Position

Keep your head as still as possible; this will increase stability and reduce drag in the water. When you need to take a breath rotate you head with your shoulder just enough to inhale keeping your head in line with the rest of your spine. The waterline should meet your head somewhere between your crown and the top of your goggles. Look slightly ahead instead of at the bottom of the pool.

Maintain a streamlined position: Your body should be as parallel to the waters surface as possible. Remember to keep your head low and your hips high in the water and you will avoid dropping your legs. Engaging your core muscles will help to maintain this position.

Rotate your body with your stroke; this will reduce resistance and allow you to extend your stroke further. You will also be engaging the larger muscles of the back.


Surprisingly  about 80% of propulsion in swimming comes from the upper body so it’s worth taking the time to perfect your stroke. Reaching as far as possible your fingers should enter the water first, followed by the wrist and then the elbow. Your arm should only straighten once the hand is fully submerged.  As you pull the water with your hand imagine you are rolling a beach ball with you hand, towards the end of the stroke flick the wrist as if to fling the ball backwards.


Timing is really important when it comes to improving your swimming technique. Good timing allows you to maintain a good parallel body position, maximises your stoke length and creates the opportunity to take regular even breaths. As the recovering arms fingers enter the water begin pulling the opposite arm through the water. At the end of the stroke lift the arm from the water, leading with the elbow, remember to rotate your body slightly and take your breath, your face should be back in the water before the hand makes entry. Try to exhale for the whole time your face is submerged, this will save time when  it comes to take your breath.

The kick

Keep a regular kick throughout kicking from the hip and not from  the knee, keep the ankles flexible and the toes pointed. Remember there is little propulsion from the legs compared to the upper body so there is no need to kick particularly hard.

If you are serious about swimming check out the following link to see a series of training drill videos produced by the Speedo ‘Pace Club’ and filmed underwater in and Endless Pool. If you are not a serious swimmer check them out anyway as they’re just awesome to watch!

Swim at Home

Imagine the benefits of having your own Endless pool or Swimspa in your garden, wouldn’t it be great to make swimming part of your everyday routine without the hassle of visiting your local pool.

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