Hot Tub Party Etiquette

Welsh Hot Tubs has just installed your shiny new hot tub, it’s the party season. Let’s face it, when you own a hot tub it is party season whenever you feel like it. It’s always a good time to invite your friends and family over. Maybe when you’re thinking about who and how to invite people you should also think about your hot tub, and your expectations.

With a bit of thought you can make the party run smoothly without an upset. It is important to you that your guests have some guidelines on how to get the best from your invite and the most fun from your party. A few simple words of guidance and a relaxed code of conduct in your invitation will help everyone have a great time.

People come in all shapes and sizes, some outgoing and some perhaps a little more reserved. Make it clear that photographs of people in the hot tub or in their swimsuits should only be taken with that persons consent, and no photographs should find their way onto media sites without permission from the people in the photograph. Or simply make the rule for no photographs in or around the pool.

Some guest will wish to linger around the hot tub without entering, some will be willing to strip off and get straight in. Provide a discreet changing area, ideally next to a shower and close to the hot tub. A screen or curtained off area will often do, and a place for people to put their clothes, changing robes and towels. If you intend to have more guests than hot tub space, find a light-hearted way of moving people on once their time is up to ensure everyone gets a turn.

Let people know what you have planned and what you as the host will provide. Your invitation may suggest that guests bring along their own towels, this will avoid you having a lot of work washing and drying towels after your party.

If you expect guests to wear bathing suits, clearly state this in the invitation and suggest that bathing suits are well rinsed beforehand, detergent residues can cause foaming. Remind your guests that anyone with open cuts or sores should avoid using the hot tub for hygiene reasons.

Children can easily get overexcited by the thought of spending time in the hot tub. Youngsters will need to be closely supervised to ensure they stay safe and enjoy their hot tub experience. Children should be made aware of the dangers of unsafe behaviour and aware that hot tub privileges are earned by safe use of the hot tub in line with the guidelines. Hot tub privileges can easily be suspended or removed if their behaviour is unsafe. Generally this quickly focuses the mind of the younger ones at the party. Try to explain the rules simply and firmly and get agreement from the youngsters so they form a sort of contract of agreement with you. This way they will understand should they need to be suspended from the hot tub for half an hour until they calm down. Try and make it fun and inclusive rather than confrontational, but remain firm, fair and resolute. They will enjoy themselves all the more if they learn how and what is expected of them.

Food and drink can be a bit of a problem unless guests understand what is expected and why there needs to be clear rules about on what food and drink can be taken in to a hot tub. For simplicity, you may prefer to keep all food and drink away from the hot tub area. Remember one smashed glass in the hot tub could cause all kinds of danger to your guests and damage to your hot tub. Keep alcoholic drinks well away from the hot tub, as the heat can intensify the effects of alcohol. Any dry snacks like savouries, crisps or crackers can very quickly block filters and gum up the works.

One of the biggest complaints about hot tub use come from the neighbours of inconsiderate hot tub owners. Please let your neighbours know that you intend to hold a hot tub party in plenty of time. Maybe you could invite them too! They may accept or decline but either way you should remain on good terms.

Make sure that music and noise levels are reduced at a reasonable time, this can be agreed with your neighbours beforehand.

Of course your party will be fun, owning a hot tub will ensure that you have a great time in the company of your friends and family. Your parties will become a great success and everyone will want to come and enjoy themselves. At Welsh Hot Tubs, we hope this guideline helps you organise things and gives you a few starters in the right direction when it comes to planning your event.

As a friend of mine often says, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”.  Have a great time sharing your hot tub with your friends and family.

You can read about it more by visiting the Guinness World Records website.

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